Devil is in the Detail

One of the things that has slowed us down is the detailing that has had to be done.  This has mostly been things that Brian Edwards has not done before so it has all had to be worked out.  That and my attempts to remove as many thermal bridges as possible has added time to the build.

One of the key areas so far has been the rafter sprockets and fascia.  There were discussions about how large the timber used needed to be to take both the uplift stress and the weight of the gutters etc.  Firstly, we had to wait until the rafter panels were on the Oak frame so we could see where the roof line intersected so the fascia ran round level as these 2 areas are different pitches.  Once that was sorted the rafter sprockets could all be cut from 89×38 timber.  At the edge of the roof panels, some 38×50 was screwed to the steel and 40mm PIR insulation put between these.  We are using some SOUDAL Fix & Bonds low expansion foam to help seal and fix the insulation.

Rafter Sprockets

The rafter sprockets are then screwed on through to the steel frame and more insulation inserted between these.  Again copious amounts of expanding foam provide a well sealed detail.  The gable end was done in much the same way.  The SIPs were designed to come to the same height as the top surface of the steel rafter panels and the 38×50 used followed by the 89×38 both in-filled with insulation.

Gable End

Verge Detail

The next detail to be sorted out was the fascia and the over fascia protector.  This is complicated by my decision to use the Nu-Lok tiling system that consists of a metal ‘Z’ batten and a clipped in tile.  Partly because of this, and the fact these battens will be screwed to the counter battens rather than right through, the counter battens are 38×50.

Again the detail we have ended up with is very neat and does the job just fine.

Over Fascia Protector

The fascia itself is just 145×22 Dressed and Treated with 2 coats of Sadolins on both sides.  A groove has been put on the back face to take 9mm ply for the soffit.

We also had long discussions over the use of a breathable membrane on the roof.  I really fail to see why it is needed but it was an argument I was not going to win with the BCO so I reluctantly accepted this.

The other thing I should mention are the long fixings I am using.  The first lot I got through ACS where I got some wall channel from (more on that another time) and they are not great.  As you can see, the tips keep breaking.

I had been recommended a firm called CFT Ltd but had not used them.  I have now found a local supplier Regis Roofing in Glasgow and started using them.  They are far superior, Stainless Steel instead of BZP, and even cheaper for a longer screw.

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The Oak Arrives

Monday 10th Sept.  Well the Oak Frame arived and has started to go up.  Supplied by Border Oak it looks fab.  They had a wee bit of trouble with the soft ground and a fright that the ridge height was not right, but all seems OK now.  Hopefully the time-lapse camera is working so should get some good video of it going up!

Almost Stuck

First Oak A Frame

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The U-Roof Frame is Up

Well 3 weeks on and the steel frame is up.  It has been a little tortuous and not as quick as I had hoped.  Some of that is down to inexperience and some is down to manufacturing and design errors.  Firstly let me say I think the frame is fantastic in terms of what it gives me. The engineering is excellent but some of the little things that Timber Frame manufacturers have got sussed are missing.

Support from Chris at U-Roof has been excellent and they have been up to modify some of the panels. The loss of half a day at the beginning was critical I think, as they did not quite get on as far as they could have.

Still we are there now.  The whole frame looks great, I’m very happy with the space in the eaves and in the hip ends will prove very useful and make it much easier to maintain things.  The key problem I have yet to fully bottom out is fixing the windows – but I’m working on it!

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Photos and Video

I have uploaded some photos to my Google+ account and also some Video files to YouTube from my Time Lapse camera.  The latter has been quite good but I have had some teething troubles in that firstly the USB stick was formatted as FAT so had a max file size of 256Mb and then the batteries seemed to go flat really quickly so I missed some of the best bits of the roof going up.  I have put in some lithium batteries so when the Oak goes up next week it should all work properly. Still, it is quite interesting!  These links are to albums or playlists so will be added to over time.



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The Frame Arrives

So the day arrived – but the frame didn’t – well not when it was supposed to anyway.

The frame was supplied by u-roof based in Yorkshire.  There had been a huge amount of discussion as to how to deliver it.  The issue was that the total frame was 7 ‘stillages’ or carrying frames which a) did not fit on an artic, and b) would need a degree of crane or HIAB to unload them.  I had hedged against such a situation so the full additional cost would not come to me as it was well over the agreed haulage price. However, the result was that there would be a single load of the heavy panels and joists (3 stillages) and 2 deliveries of 2 stillages each of the lighter panels.

The plan was that the heavy delivery would be up first thing on Tuesday with a light load later in the day.  I had agreed with U-Roof for some site assistance as this was a new system for Brian Edwards, with Mark arriving Tuesday lunchtime giving a max of 3 1/2 days assistance.  To cut a long story short, the haulage company had collected the frame and then cross-loaded it. However, instead of loading it the same way, they simply lifted off  and loaded.  The end result was that the heavy gear was now on the top (you can see where this is going) and also failed to strap it properly.  Well the guy got about 30 miles before one of the stillages broke under the strain!  End result the light stuff arriveb, but the main delivery did not until Wednesday morning.  That lost time has been critical.


The Frame Arrives Eventually

However, once it has arrived, the intial frame simply shot up!

End of Day 1

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