Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 and vboxdrv kernel compilation problems

It is a long story but I have been trying to get a stable and repeatable way of building an Ubuntu Intrepid server for home use.  To cut a long story short (I will fill in the gaps later), I ended up with the Sun VirtualBox vboxdrv not being complied into the kernel.

Lots of digging later and I have a solution;

I used the following commands (not sure if all are required)

sudo aptitude install kernel-package
sudo aptitude install linux-source
sudo aptitude install build-essential

I then tried

sudo aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.27-9-generic

without success so I did

uname -r

and then (as it said it was the server kernel)

sudo aptitude install linux-headers-2.6.27-9-server

the final command to recompile the kernel is

sudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-2.0

which finally gave me a working Kernel with vboxdrv installed and working. Phew!


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